Derek Chisholm - Full Stack Engineer
Coder. Project Manager. Problem Solver.
Started Construction on 9/20/2023 using Bootstrap styling, this is a work-in-progress.
Blog Preview Card
This example allows you to completely customize a stylized blog card into whatever you want.
Published 21 Dec 2023
Awesome Blog Post
This is a blog description. It is ancient and magnificent, and you'll be well rewarded for reading its content.
Accordion-style FAQ section
Dynamic expanding and reducing of HTML elements.
Why can't we all just get along?
It's not so much that we cannot get along, it's that we choose not to get along. Think about it: anyone can choose whether or not to hold something against someone. Choosing acceptance over intolerance is the key!
Why does everything taste like chicken?
Well, if The Matrix (1999) is to be believed, we're all living in a computer program and it seems like the machines that designed our sense of taste accidentally made everything taste like chicken. Maybe Tasty Wheat actually tastes like chicken? Or maybe Tasty Wheat actually tastes like bacon and is the single greatest flavor of all mankind --- but we'll never know while we're in a computer program.
Can you park a car in Harvard yard?
Harvard yard refers to the grassy area enclosed by fences with twenty-seven gates which is mainly a pedestrian area for students to access the freshman dormitory. While there are a few gates that allow vehicles to load/unload, parking on the grassy area is discouraged.
What is the meaning of life?
42. Next question.
How does one perform the perfect belly flop?
First, you must ensure that you are completely and utterly uncoordinated in your efforts. Flailing of the arms showcases true mastery. Most importantly, you must remember to land perfectly parallel to the water. The more surface area hitting the water's surface in unison, the larger the sound you'll make!
Seriously though, how was the FAQ accordion implemented?
This is done via standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is fairly simple. It requires adding ':hover' to make the change of color on the buttons.
My Projects
The below are built leveraging the M.E.R.N. stack (MongoDB, Express.JS, React.JS, Node.JS) or vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
TinDog Website Design
A fake app for dogs to meet other dogs. This is a small project made using Bootstrap open-source.
GreenSpace Social Media Platform Design
A space for scientist to discover, share, and collborate at a professional level. I am using plain HTML and CSS for styling, but may integrate Bootstrap.
1-vs-1 Dice Game
A quick webpage showcasing external HTML/CSS/JS files. Great for resolving debates between friends, just roll the dice and see who gets the higher number!
Mondrian Painting Project
A fun project showcasing the use of flex + grid CSS styling.